Dec 05, 2016

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Why is operations an important function in a business? | FAQs

Want to know why a career in operations management would make you highly valuable in your business? Or maybe you’re sitting with the question: what is operations management?

In this short video Lerisa Roberts, Head Tutor for the UCT Operations Management online short course, explains the importance of operations management, and why it is the centre of any organisation.

For an organisation to run effectively and efficiently, all operations man need to be streamlined and monitored professionally.

Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that processes are developed, followed, analysed and adjusted, and for overseeing those processes in all the elements of a business. This means that Operations Managers are both the centre of an organisation, and the umbrella that oversees the performance of the entire setup.

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Organisations are made up of different departments or facets that need to work together, but often struggle to do so. An operations manager has the important duty of ensuring that all of these different cogs work together in achieving both their individual goals, and the goals of the company as whole.

Operations managers need to be able to effectively facilitate cooperation between departments, like connecting human resources to project management, marketing and content to sales, and supply chain management to finance and facilities.

Without clear, concise management of operations, an organisation will struggle to remain cooperative and efficient, especially as they grow in size and workload.

Give yourself the skills needed to make the most of your operations management career with an online operations management course.

Study the UCT Operations Management online short course today.



The operations function is the catalyst. It is the centre of the organisation and it oversees various functions of the business, acting as a mechanism for control. Operations management acts as an umbrella, and connects all facets of the business, from HR to project management and supply chain management to finance and facilities.

Filed under: Career advice